I Tested George Foreman’s Quesadilla-Maker • Tasty

Will this quesadilla-maker live up to Nichi’s expectations or will it melt under pressure? Get the quesadilla maker for yourself: …


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About the Author: Tasty


  1. You checked every single box, it was as if I was testing it out for myself including reading the outside of the box. I'm going to buy one! As a granny and great granny I'm always looking for something to cook up that's fast and easy to clean. Thank you!!!

  2. Perfect video!!! Got this as an easy way to make quesadillas for someone who doesn't cook (me!) and this video was super helpful in preparing myself to do it. Can't wait!!!

  3. oils aid in the browning of the Torita plus they make it more crispy than crunchy. have fun with it, make a Mexican breakfast quesadilla(eggs, cheese, chorizo and salsa.) or an Irish breakfast one (eggs cheese and corned beef hash) or go all out and make a tortilla out of gram crackers and make the quesadilla filling cheesecake filling, try to make the craziest thing ever, then make it taste good.

  4. It’s funny I had one today. My Quesadilla Maker isn’t a Foreman though. Mine is red but smaller. It’s a no fail Quesadilla Maker. It even pre slices. I just used ground beef & cheese. It was yummy. I have had this maker for years but totally forgot about it.

  5. I wish there was a chilli relleno melter that process of frying & refrying them gets messy. I just bought this maker at a thrift store today 6.00 ! I’m in the parking lot watching this video already. Why my kids are Taco Bell & mexican quesadilla lovers at mexican restaurants. Nothing wrong with this But I know I can make them healthier & better for them at home & of course cheaper too. I know I sound like a commercial but I absolutely love George Forman stuff. I have his grill which I have been making salmon on for years. Yes my kids eat salmon with no oil, score! It’s a habit now anywhere you can pinch a dollar & cut out grease adds up!!! Off to google recipes for this. If anyone has any please reply & share them. I don’t have the book it’s a thrift store buy. Plus I love getting creative ideas from others. Be blessed ya’ll.

  6. I’ve had a quesadilla maker for like 15 years. It’s not the Foreman one, but looks the same. I love it. I use it all the time and I’ve always gotten crispy tortillas without oil or butter. I also use it to make pizza pockets and other ingredients in flat bread.

  7. As a Mexican I can tell you that this machine is a waste of money. What you need is a simple "comal. (los mexicanos sabemos que con un simple comal se pueden hacer quesadillas).

  8. My mum just uses a cheap sandwich press. I toast the bread both sides before loading it up so I don’t have to try flipping it. I also use shredded chicken.
    That thing is so close to edge of the bench. I kept expecting it to fall off.

  9. George is late to the party. I had a quesadilla maker 20 years ago. We made quesadillas out of everything. Most unusual was the spaghetti quesadilla. I brushed the tortillas with some garlic butter sauce from Papa John’s and layered the noodles mixed with meat sauce and mushrooms with some mozzarella and shredded Parmesan. It was pretty darn good.

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