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About the Author: Tasty


  1. Don't do the horizontal cut, it's pointless, the Onion's Fibers have already done the job for you, so it's just a waste of time and trouble, being now you have to hold the Onion more together when dicing it ????

    Also when picking up items like Onions you've just diced, use the back of the knife, using the sharp side, is the fastest way to make your knife dull ????

  2. Horizontal cuts for onion is just waste of time. Onions have those cuts naturally. You can even test this with 2 halfs, dont have those horizontal cuts on other and do those on the other half. You wont notice a difference because there is none. Both are fine diced

  3. 'Cut off the tip' and cut off far more than the tip, wasting perfectly good onion.
    Removing one layer of onion is also a waste, as it breaks down just fine. I don't even peel off the innermost 'papery' bit as it provides taste and colour.

  4. Key to the fumes in an onion is not to cut the root from the onion until the last step. There really is no reason to make parallel cuts prior to dicing. It's messy and unnecessary.

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