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About the Author: Manjula's Kitchen


  1. Very happy to see a new video from you, Manjula. Your videos bring me an unbelievable amount of comfort and I look forward to all of your posts.

    Hope you are well

  2. Hello Aunty, this one is really amazing recipe. I was looking for some healthy tiffin ideas for my children, because school says to send something healthy and this one is really easy and interesting. Keep sharing more healthy recipes Aunty.????

  3. Dear Manjula Aunty, Namaste. I have been followed your recipes for years. My first one was Aloo Paratha. Being a South Indian and Vegitarian, I don't know much recipes of NorthIndian. But I love the N.I dishes. I started searching for the recipes and I found your videos. They are very easy and simple and not too spicy. Thank you so much for the delicious and healthy recipes. Thank you once again. Namaste.

  4. Definitely I will be trying this Paratha soon…I have learnt to cook parathas but with practice, they now come in good shape…thanks to share recipe for this as well.. ☺️…

  5. Namaste Manjula ???? I just wanted to let you know that Me and my Fiancée are completely in love with your recipes, I cook your Dal fry once a week ???? you are a legend in our home and we love you very much, keep doing what you're doing ❤️

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